New Memberships Oh My!!

Sometimes i cant even fathom how farmers keep up, taking care of babies, feeding everyone, having a family. Respect is all I can say when I think of it, a great understanding that no matter what, time is of the essence. When I try to get their time, or share new products I have to realize that time is not always on their side, they need to be able to create a schedule and stick to it or things just don't get done. When I think of helping I can only imagine putting my boots on and running around the farm trying to keep up, when in reality sales and the business end of things, retail spaces and customer satisfaction can be one of the biggest challenges. For now, what we hope to do is curb some of those challenges, set some parameters and share products to make people aware of what kind of products are available and give people the options they are looking for in local products. Connect with a farmer today and send them a product inquiry to find out more and have a conversation to understand more about what they are able to offer from their farms and businesses. This is why, here at Foray Foodies we want to be able to provide lots of options to do the best we can for our farmers :) Have a wonderful foodie day, and keep it green, Happy ST Patricks Day!!